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For the Apple Monsters


  • 4 granny smith apples
  • 4-5 strawberries
  • 1/4 cup compatible sunflower seeds
  • 2 bananas (the smaller the better)
  • 2 tablespoons raisins
  • 1/4 cup compatible almond butter (or other nut butter)


  • CUT the apples into large wedges. On the skin side of the wedges, cut an almond shaped slit out of the apple to expose the flesh and make the “mouth.”
  • PUSH 4-5 sunflower seeds into one side of the “mouth”, using the pointy end of the seed to stab into the apple. These will be your “teeth.”
  • SPREAD almond butter onto the side of the “mouth” that doesn’t have the seed “teeth.”
  • CUT the stem off the strawberries and slice vertically to create “tongue” slices. Place a strawberry “tongue” onto the almond butter of each monster apple.
  • FOR the eyes, peel a banana and then slice small circles off the end. Use almond butter to attach a raisin for the pupil of the eye and then attach the banana eye onto the monster with more almond butter. We loved making both two eyed and one eyed mosters!
  • SERVE immediately (if not, you will need to brush the banana slices and apples with a little bit of lemon juice to prevent from browning too fast).