“I am comfortable, confident, and present in my life: Holly VonDemfange’s Story”

Holly on a scooter at a skate park|Holly on a scooter at a skate park

Technically, I am at the end of my September Whole30, but I like to think of it as a beginning. I have been actively engaged in regaining my health and vitality for a few years now, since hiring my health coach, Whole30 Certifed Coach Jennifer Joffe, and working her Project Healthy Body program. Before hiring Jennifer, I was overweight, sick with two autoimmune diseases, and fighting for my life.

If my health journey has taught me anything, it’s that putting the right people in place to guide me along the way is central to my success. Jennifer encouraged me to work with Whole30 Certified Coach Debbie Marlowe for the September Whole30. Jennifer wanted me to understand the power of a Whole30 when done correctly. Debbie kept me informed, supported, and accountable every step of the way, and the differences are I have never felt or looked better!

Since hiring Whole30 Certified Coaches Jennifer and Debbie, I have lost over 100lbs. I am no longer morbidly obese, fighting inflammation and most importantly sitting on the sidelines of my life. I am healthy and actively participating in it!

I don’t waste time silently berating myself or feeling uncomfortable in my skin. I am comfortable, confident, and present in my life. And thanks to this September Whole30 and coach Debbie’s guidance, I have that healthy glow that comes from knowing which whole, real foods work with MY body. I am forever grateful to these health coaching professionals who changed my life.

Learn more about hiring a Whole30 Certified Coach.