In 2016 I was 40 years old, 6 feet tall and at my heaviest weight. With an active 12-year-old son and busy lifestyle, something had to be done. I stumbled on Whole30 on Instagram and decided to go for it. I can honestly say now that was the best use of surfing Instagram ever.
Basically everything Melissa Urban describes in the Whole30 books I learned, went through, and achieved. In August of 2016 I changed my lifelong eating habits for good. In fact, I loved the Whole 30 so much I kept it going for 45 days.
I had to purchase an entirely new wardrobe and put a storage bin in the attic forever. I cook most of the meals, so there was a very positive trickle-down effect to my wife and 12-year old son and we have maintained a great balance with our meal choices.
This past January I decided to give myself a reboot and do another Whole30. From September 2016 to January 2018 I maintained my new habits, lifestyle and weight. After another 30 days of new Whole30 recipes and a renewed passion for eating well I finished my January Whole30 lighter, wearing smaller sizes, and feeling GREAT.
I know it isn’t about the weight, but for me, numbers are a good way to visualize how much this worked for me. I donated my storage bin of clothes to Goodwill … I will never go back to those clothes, so there’s no need to save them. At 42 years old I’m the lightest I have been since a high school, but more importantly I feel great and have tons of energy. Simply said…Thank You!” – Tim