“My emotional eating is gone. My body feels strong, healthy, and energetic: Rebecca’s Story”

North Carolina
Rebecca Bond

I’m not exactly sure what led me to do the September Whole30… It’s not like I hadn’t heard about Whole30 before – I had. I’m just not usually one of those people who can make a serious change like Whole30, and stick with it. I think I borrowed a Whole30 book from the library a few years ago, and it went unread. I’ve had friends who did Whole30, but all they complained that they couldn’t wait to eat cheese, etc. again, which didn’t do much to convince this self-saboteur that she could make it a full 30 days without all of her emotional eating trigger foods.

So, a few years after my original introduction to Whole30, I saw something that mentioned the September Whole30. Let’s be honest… at 35, my health has not been so great. I’ve been overweight since I went through a divorce and my father passed away within a period of just a year and a half about 9 years ago. My overall health has not been what it should be at only 35 years of age. I have been a full-time nanny thanks to Covid, and pre-Whole30, I had to hobble when I first stood up from getting up off of the floor while playing with the children I nanny. That should not happen at such a young age! Doing the Whole30, I learned that the hobbling after standing up was due to my NUTRITION! I never would have guessed! My nutrition pre-Whole30 was pretty awful, and I had been dealing with emotional eating (mostly cheese/sweets). There was a period during quarantine when I would eat an ENTIRE thing of Oreos AND ice cream, AND an entire box of mac and cheese for dinner.

What happened after my Whole30? My emotional eating is gone. My body feels strong, healthy, and energetic. While I didn’t weigh myself during the entire 30 days, I was curious today – turns out I lost 12 lbs! I feel like I’ve been given the start to completely change my life, and I will always point to my first Whole30 as the turning point for my health. I’m seriously so grateful for the Whole30 and know that I can only get healthier from here. Thank you so much!