“The Whole30 has made me and my family happier: Marisha’s Story”

Nijmegen, Netherlands
Marisha Manahova

The #Whole30AtHome in April, 2020 was a great experience for my husband, my 6 month old son, and me. Technically, my son didn’t do a Whole30 because he’s breastfeeding… never mind. We already ate paleo, but we eliminated non-compatible foods order to eliminate cravings. Moreover, I took out caffeine (in the form of green tea) and dark chocolate, both of which kept me going in my sleep-deprived state but gave me serious blood sugar dips and lots of anxiety.

What happened next was amazing… After only a few days on the Whole30, my energy evened out and stabilized and my mood became more constant. I generally became happier, more relaxed, at ease, and just content with my life as it is. This was a huge improvement for my whole family, and we all felt better. An unexpected benefit was that my son’s eczema started improving. I’m breastfeeding my son, so what I eat directly impacts him. I figured out that it was being triggered by high-histamine foods, so around day 20 I also removed the sauerkraut I was eating. His eczema is almost gone now… Looking forward to it continuing to improve. For this reason, I’m also a bit cautious with reintroduction: I really don’t want to trigger his eczema again, so I’m reintroducing foods very gradually and only if they are low in histamine.

The Whole30 has made me and my family happier, so thank you very much for all the resources you offer and the wonderful community!