February 3, 2017

A Food Freedom Forever Conversation, With Melissa Urban

Food Freedom Discussion Header

From Whole30 co-founder Melissa Urban

Since Food Freedom Forever was released in October 2016, I’ve been thrilled to see how the Whole30 community has embraced the idea that it is possible to build a healthy, intuitive, and sustainable relationship with food. The Food Freedom concepts explained in the book started as questions from and conversations with individual Whole30’ers. Since the very first Whole30 in 2009, I heard from Whole30’ers who were eager to make the healthy habits they started during their Whole30 reset into a sustainable, intuitive lifestyle, but they needed structure and guidance.

Simply put, if you recently wrapped up your #JanuaryWhole30 and are asking the question, “Okay… now what?” Food Freedom Forever is my answer.

The videos below were filmed during an event in Salt Lake City two months before the release of Food Freedom Forever. During the event, I led a 90-minute discussion with 25 Whole30’ers about their health goals, challenges, and best strategies for creating and maintaining their own versions of food freedom.

These videos are an insider peek into Food Freedom Forever, as I share concepts and insights from the book with the group. No matter where you are in your food freedom journey, I hope these videos will motivate you to change your life through the groundbreaking 3-step approach outlined in the book.

Video One: What is Food Freedom?

Video Three: Experimenting with Your Food Freedom



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