July 18, 2011

Whole30 Success Story: Beth Tracy


We had the pleasure of meeting today’s Whole30 Success Story Beth Tracy twice – once at our Foundations of Nutrition workshop in her home state of Texas, and again in June when she flew to Las Vegas with her daughter to attend another workshop. After speaking with Beth, we asked her to share her story with us, and our readers. Here is Beth’s success story, in her own words.

Beth’s Story

I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the workshop in Las Vegas and how much I learned! I attended your seminar at CrossFit West Houston in January, and did the Whole30 immediately. I was so excited to come to another workshop with my daughter! I started trying to eat “Paleo” in the fall of 2010, but didn’t get serious until my Whole30. Prior to starting Paleo, I had joined a popular weight loss program (the one that counts points) and had lost about 20 pounds. When I couldn’t face doing it anymore, my weight went back up and I felt just awful. That’s when my daughter convinced me to give Paleo, and your program, a try. I had almost every diet-related disease that you talk about in your workshop. I had breast cancer five years ago, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I was also about 70 pounds overweight and almost completely sedentary. I was a veritable “poster child” for bad food choices! Since January and the Whole30, I have lost 24 pounds. I am completely off of my diabetes medication and my doctor cut my blood pressure medication in half. I go back for another check-up soon and I am hoping to get off of even more. I had a check-up with my oncologist today and he asked me what I was doing to look so much better. I told him about the Whole30, expecting to get a lecture about giving up dairy and grains. However, he was thrilled – he said it was wonderful that I was eating REAL food and doing it for health, not just to lose weight. In fact, he told me to keep it up! I feel better than I ever have in my life! My only regret is that I didn’t learn about this until I was 52. I have no doubt I would have avoided all the health issues I have had! I am just so thankful that I can eat like this and feel this wonderful for the rest of my life. I have also recently started exercising (again, motivation from my wonderful daughter) and I feel my life is changing even more in a positive direction. I just want to thank you both for everything I have learned and for changing my life. I tell everyone who asks about you both and your program and how life changing it has been for me. Thank you again for making such a difference in my life, you will never know how much I appreciate it! Sincerely, Beth Tracy Richmond, TX

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