Dear Melissa—Melissa Urban wearing a light blue jean top and darker blue jeans, cooking on a wooden table top, and smiling at the camera.
September 23, 2024, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: Why does Whole30 reintroduction feel so hard?
Dear Melissa,  I know you’re supposed to reintroduce on the Whole30, but I still struggle with this phase. Why does 10 days of reintroduction...
Dear Melissa—Melissa Urban wearing a light blue jean top and darker blue jeans, cooking on a wooden table top, and smiling at the camera.
June 4, 2024, 6:42 pm
  • Dear Melissa
  • Food Freedom
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: My Food Freedom Plan When I’m Home Alone
Dear Melissa, My husband is away for work often, and being home alone for days on end makes my Food Freedom plan go right...
Melissa, a long-haired smiling woman, and text that says Dear Melissa
August 1, 2023, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: I’m Bored of My Whole30
Dear Melissa, It’s Day 25 of my last Whole30, and I’m OVER IT. No foods sound good, and I can’t imagine what to make...
April 22, 2020, 3:27 pm
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Troubleshooting
COVID-19 Symptoms Vs Whole30
The first week of your Whole30 may bring lethargy, crankiness and headaches. That's normal—but during a pandemic, it might feel scary to feel any...
Five Strategies Whole30 HERO
March 25, 2019, 2:39 pm
  • Troubleshooting
Five Whole30 Success Strategies To Try When Things Get Challenging
By Shanna Keller, who faced down that “I want to quit my Whole30 NOW” feeling and has an increased sense of self-efficacy and confidence...
Do I really Have to start my whole30 over gretchen rubin header
May 2, 2018, 7:48 pm
  • Troubleshooting
Do I Really Have to Start My Whole30 Over? A Gretchen Rubin Four Tendencies Perspective
This question comes up all the time—“I ate something off-plan during my Whole30. Do I really need to start over?” Today, we’ll tackle the...
Six Reasons Why blog header 2
April 9, 2018, 10:00 am
  • Troubleshooting
Six Reasons Why the Whole30 Didn’t Work For You
The Whole30 has been around since July 2009, and we’ve read hundreds of thousands of I Am Whole30 stories. We’ve proven the program truly...
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February 19, 2018, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: I’m Not Doing The Perfect Whole30
Dear Melissa, I started the program with most of the information I thought I needed, as I work in a health food store and...
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January 22, 2018, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: I Just Hate Veggies.
Dear Melissa, Do I really have to eat vegetables with every meal, even breakfast/my husband says he’d consider doing the program with me, but...
cold flu
October 23, 2017, 10:00 am
  • Troubleshooting
  • Whole30 101
Whole30 101: Cold and Flu Strategies
The first thing we’ll say is that we hope you never have to use this information… because if it’s of interest, it means you’re...
Sleep Remedy Whole30 Hero Image
October 16, 2017, 10:00 am
  • Troubleshooting
Sleep Trouble on the Whole30: Strategies from Dr. Kirk Parsley
Do you have trouble sleeping while on your Whole30? Sleep expert Dr. Kirk Parsley explains why and gives you several strategies to try out...
Sleep Remedy Whole30 Hero Image
October 9, 2017, 9:02 pm
  • Troubleshooting
Whole30 and Sleep: An Interview with Dr. Kirk Parsley
A note from Whole30 Headmistress Melissa Urban, who slept 9 hours last night and doesn’t feel the least bit guilty One of the most...
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September 18, 2017, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: Help Me Find My Tiger Blood
Learn how Melissa helps guide people in the middle of their Whole30 to identify, obtain, and sustain the famous Whole30 “Tiger Blood.” Whether it’s...
Header for Bailey Part Three
August 7, 2017, 10:05 am
  • Special Populations
  • Testimonials
  • Troubleshooting
Whole30 Success Story: Bailey Works the Night Shift (Part Three)
This is the third post in a series from Bailey Ryan of Bailey is a Whole30’er who changed her life and experienced tons...
Bailey Story Header Part Two
June 22, 2017, 10:00 am
  • Special Populations
  • Testimonials Popular Posts
  • Troubleshooting
Whole30 Success Story: Bailey Works The Night Shift (Part Two)
This is the second post in a series from Bailey Ryan of Bailey is a Whole30’er who changed her life and experienced tons...
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February 13, 2017, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: Help Me Stay Whole30 Compatible On The Job
13Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new Food Freedom habits, and figuring out...
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December 5, 2016, 11:00 am
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: I Just Can’t Get Past Whole30 Day 3… Help!
Do you have the best intentions of completing a Whole30, but just can't seem to make it past the first few days? Melissa Urban...
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August 1, 2016, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: My Sugar Dragon is Still Breathing Fire
Are you nearing the end of your Whole30 and still struggling with a raging Sugar Dragon? Melissa outlines her best strategies as she helps...