“By the end of my first Whole 30, I felt completely amazing: Sarah’s Story”

Sarah Woody in military uniform with a young child on her lap

I really wanted to share my amazing experience with Whole30. It not only transformed my life, but my husband’s and family’s, as well as several of my colleagues.

I originally heard about Whole30 when I was “18 clicks in” on something on Pinterest. Tired of feeling tried and bloated, I immediately ordered the book and started my first Whole30 the next week. By day 5, my joints stopped aching!! I couldn’t believe it was that fast! I did have some headaches. I was definitely addicted to the sugar monster so I was going through some pretty serious withdrawals, but otherwise I found the plan totally doable and pretty easy to follow. I really liked the fact that I didn’t have to weigh and measure every. Single. Almond.

By the end of my first Whole30, I felt completely amazing. My skin looked better, I was calmer (especially dealing with my toddler) and was having some of my best workouts in years. My husband and 4 of my coworkers decided to join me on my 2nd round of Whole30 which I started about a week later. Needless to say, my energy was still boundless and I was feeling wonderful. But my coworkers were amazed by how they were feeling as well.

Now fast forward through Christmas. We all took a break and relaxed and enjoyed our families. All while being mindful of “worth it” foods. After the holidays, I sent out an email to my whole office. There are about 40 or so of us. I invited everyone this time to do a Whole30. All the feedback I’ve gotten from everyone is just how amazing they feel, and how their lives and awareness of food has changed forever. Looking back, we’re all very happy with how we look and feel. I’m in the best shape of my life. I WILL keep to eating Whole30-like for most of the time for life, and my co workers echo the same sentiment.

I should probably mention that I am active duty Air Force as are several of my Whole30 cohorts. All of us have improved on our PT tests and have been recognized by leadership for our commitment to health and fitness.

I’m so happy to have found your program and know that I’m being a good example for my daughter and son. Thank you and we salute you!