“I am so grateful as a physician to have this program available to my patients: Mallory’s Story”

Los Angeles
Mallory Aye

After completing several rounds of Whole30 myself while in medical school, I began recommending it to my patients once in practice. My patients who have completed the Whole30 rave about how it changed their life and their relationship with food. I recently finished a telehealth appointment with my latest patient to successfully complete a Whole30. They reported to me that they were no longer experiencing sleep apnea, were enjoying the foods they were eating, and were having more energy. I was happy to see their triglycerides cut in half and LDL values were beginning to drop.

I am so grateful as a physician to have this program available to my patients. It makes my job so much easier to know I can send them to the Whole30 platform and they will be in good hands. I love how inclusive and body neutral this program is. There is no discussion of weight loss, counting, or tracking. My patients show up and are enveloped into a community and taught about the benefits of whole foods. Thank you Melissa Urban and everyone at Whole30 for making my job a little bit easier.