“My relationship with food has completely changed for the better because of Whole30: Michele’s Story”

Michele Sarao

I have done two full rounds of Whole30 and I cannot stop raving to family and friends about the changes it has made for me personally. At first, I was just looking for another way to lose weight. I was in a rut and needed to try something new.

I found out about Whole30 through Whole30 Certified Coach Betsy Karr. When I did the program, I lost weight after each round, but that is not why I love the program the most. I really love Whole30 for the lessons it has taught me and how it changed my relationship with food. I have always been a calorie counter and never read past the amount of calories on a nutritional label. Boy had I been doing that part wrong! Not once on the Whole30 program did I count a single calorie. I focused on the ingredients part of the label ONLY and this has forever changed how I shop for groceries.

Another reason I love the program is because it really does help break you away from bad habits. My relationship with food has completely changed for the better because of Whole30.