September 24, 2015

Ask Chef Richard: Radishes

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Today we’re rolling out our next video from Chef Richard Bradford, creator of the recipes in The Whole30 and owner of Whole30 Approved Pre-Made Paleo. (Missed our other #AskChefRichard videos/Q&As/recipes? Check them out here!) Today, Chef Richard will be demonstrating roasting techniques for radishes, as outlined on page 167 of The Whole30And as a bonus, Chef Richard is also answering your radish FAQs and sharing a delicious Whole30-compatible recipe. (See below for how to submit your Whole30-related food, cooking, or grocery shopping question to Chef Richard!)

Radishes, from The Whole30

All About Radishes, with Chef Richard

Do you have a preparation or recipe that helps with a radish’s bitterness?

Roasting them makes them taste sweet, creamy and so good.  They become little flavor bombs, as radishes take on the flavor of whatever seasonings you use.  Try different combinations using salt, pepper, citrus (I like orange juice), garlic, and fresh herbs. If you’re feeling fancy, radishes pair well with yellow curry (see the recipe below) or Mediterranean spices (like cumin, turmeric, and paprika).

What can you do with radishes besides use them raw in a salad?

We already talked about roasting them, but radishes also make great pickles! Pickled radishes are a great replacement to standard cucumber pickles on your favorite burger. They’re also a zesty counterbalance to your sauteed veggies. Try this recipe from (which doesn’t use any sugar, for a more sour pickled radish), or this one from for a more traditional pickle. (And don’t worry about the small amount of sugar even if you’re on the Whole30! It’s just food for the bacteria, and is used up in the fermentation process).

How should I store radishes so they last longer? 

As with many vegetables, the easiest way to add shelf life to radish greens and bulbs is to wrap them in a wet paper towel and store refrigerated in a zip-top bag, removing as much air as you can from the bag.

You can also use this technique with Tupperware-style storage containers instead of bags.  This will add a few days of shelf-life to the greens, and even longer for the bulbs.

Roasted Radishes in Curry Sauce
Recipe: Roasted Radishes in Curry Sauce

Serves 2  Ingredients

  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1/2 pound of radishes cut in half
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 cup Curry Sauce (page 307 of The Whole30)

PREHEAT oven to 425 degrees. Spread halved radishes evenly on a lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, and season with salt and pepper.

ROAST for 15-25 minutes and remove from oven. REMOVE from oven, cool for 10 minutes and toss in curry sauce.


Have a food or cooking question for Chef Richard? Find him on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, and use the hashtag #AskChefRichard. Don’t want to roast tomatoes but still want Chef Richard’s tasty cooking? Visit Pre-Made Paleo to have his Whole30 compatible meals shipped straight to your door.

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