Articles categorized as Mindset

HEADER Whole30 Mental Health
March 4, 2019, 7:22 pm
  • Mindset
  • Special Populations
Ask a Psychotherapist: Does Diet Impact Mental Health?
By Integrative Psychotherapist and Whole30 Certified Coach Amanda Morris PsyD. If you are in crisis, don’t wait to get help, and don’t attempt to...
dear melissa
November 5, 2018, 11:00 am
  • Mindset
Dear Melissa: Should I Be Afraid of White Potatoes?
Dear Melissa, Will you talk to me about white potatoes? I am reading It Starts With Food, where white potatoes are allowed but not...
Whole30 Whole Foods Blog Header
January 23, 2018, 11:00 am
  • Meal Planning Support and Prep
  • Mindset
Finish Strong! 12 Tips For Staying Whole30-Motivated, Featuring Whole Foods Market
From Whole30 headmistress Melissa Urban, who has known for years that eggs + blueberries are a surprisingly delicious combination The last half of your...
Dear Melissa—Melissa Urban wearing a light blue jean top and darker blue jeans, cooking on a wooden table top, and smiling at the camera.
September 11, 2017, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
  • Tracking Success
Dear Melissa: Give Me Whole30 Weight-loss Hacks
Dear Melissa, I’m about to start Round 2 of my Whole30. Any suggestions on how to tweak it for weight loss? Maybe cutting out...
January 16, 2017, 11:00 am
  • Mindset
  • Tracking Success
  • Whole30 101
Whole30 101: Tiger Blood!
There is always a lot of buzz about the term “Tiger Blood,” in the Whole30 community, and through running this program since 2009, we've...
December 23, 2016, 11:00 am
  • Meal Planning Support and Prep
  • Mindset
Planning and Preparing for your Whole30, with Sarah Steffens (Part 1)
By Sarah Steffens, L.A.-based personal chef and official Whole30 Recipe Creative January is right around the corner and the the New Year is traditionally...
October 7, 2016, 10:00 am
  • Meal Planning Support and Prep
  • Mindset
Cook Quickly, Eat Slowly: A Kitchen Mantra from Mel Joulwan
From Whole30 co-founder Melissa Urban: To say I Mel Joulwan is one of my favorite humans ever is an understatement. Mel has been one...
July 25, 2016, 10:00 am
  • Mindset
The Pros and Cons of a Whole30-Plus (Replay)
As anyone who has completed our program knows, the Whole30 is physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging. Still, some throw other challenging goals into the...
Dear Melissa—Melissa Urban wearing a light blue jean top and darker blue jeans, cooking on a wooden table top, and smiling at the camera.
January 11, 2016, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
Dear Melissa: I Need a Calorie-Tracking Intervention
Dear Melissa, I know you caution against tracking food on the Whole30. However, I feel stressed and unsettled if I’m not tracking, even though...
October 5, 2015, 3:20 pm
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
Dear Melissa, Can I Intermittent Fast During my Whole30?
Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new healthy habits, and figuring out...
August 3, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
Dear Melissa: Do I Always Have to Do the Whole30 By-the-Book?
Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new healthy habits, and figuring out...
February 9, 2015, 11:00 am
  • Meal Planning Support and Prep
  • Mindset
  • Troubleshooting
Second Time’s the Charm? Maybe Not with the Whole30.
Congratulations—Your first Whole30 is over; you look better, you feel better, your self-confidence is at an all-time high! At some point you’ll likely come...
December 15, 2014, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
  • Troubleshooting
Dear Melissa: My Stressful Job is Killing My Whole30
Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new Food Freedom habits, and figuring out...
October 20, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Mindset
Dear Melissa: Explaining the Mini-Reset
Welcome to Dear Melissa, where we answer your questions about transitioning into or or maintaining a healthy Whole9 life, helping you make what you learned during...
September 22, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Mindset
Find a Healthy Whole30 Reward
As you might imagine, the Whole30 team doesn’t like the idea of using food—especially carb-dense, nutrient-poor food with no brakes—as a reward. The food-as-reward cycle...
August 11, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Mindset
  • Troubleshooting
The Whole30-Plus: Extending Your Program for 45, 60, or 90 days
Whole30 participant Tabitha contacted us recently with a question about extending her Whole30. She asked:   “I have some long-standing issues that I have...
June 24, 2014, 2:33 am
  • Mindset
  • Tracking Success
You Get What You Pay For: A Post-Whole30 Perspective
Today, we’re looking back to a special guest post from Anne Sharp, member of CrossFit South Arlington. The lessons she learned during her two Whole30 experiences...
April 14, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Mindset
Waiting for the Second Marshmallow: How to Boost Your Willpower
Today's STM entry comes from us - more accurately, from Dallas' recent obsession with our Whole30 approved cranberry sauce from the Thanksgiving STM series....