March 4, 2014

Whole30 Success Story: An Update from Captain Tom


A guest post by Tom Urban (“Captain Tom”) – otherwise known as Melissa Urban’s dad.

From Captain Tom

On February 20th, 2010, Melissa wished me a “Happy Birthday” and did some bragging about her Dad. Four years later, on her birthday, it’s my turn to do a little bragging about my daughter.

A few months before that birthday I had asked Melissa for some advice and coaching on getting healthier.  In the “tough love” way you all know, she told me I had to stop smoking before she would do anything else. I always planned to stop but it was never the right time. Now it was. I stopped smoking. It was time to get control over my life.

I began regular exercise by simply walking, increasing pace and distance. Then added in reps of squats, lunges, pushups, etc. along the way. Improvement came hard and slow but it came, and one day it was time for the next step.


It Started With Food – Even For Me

I had a sugar monster living in my head.  Pepsi, bread, and pasta were standards on the table. I indulged more “treats” than I should. I went with Melissa and Dallas to one of their first Whole30 seminars.  It was eye opening and gave me the obvious answer to control over another part of my life—start with a Whole30.

Melissa was there with encouragement and advice as I struggled through it.  The results were dramatic. I lost 12 pounds, stopped craving sugar, slept better, and our pantry became (and has stayed) really clean.

Then there was all that new energy.  The exercise bar was raised when Melissa sent me some kettlebells with video workouts and introduced me to tabatas. They were added to the program. Four years later I am still eating clean, limiting treats and enjoying our early morning exercise outings. Occasionally I’ll do another Whole30 to reinforce the discipline.


Your Success Is My Success

I am 6’-1”, 180 lbs, and just turned 70 years old. I feel fitter, healthier, have more energy, and eat better than I have in many years. I could stop right here and say, “goal accomplished,” but success breeds confidence and energy has to be used. In the past three years I upgraded my Coast Guard Captains license, progressed from basic scuba diving to a Dive Master rating, and started a snorkeling, diving and fishing charter boat business here in the Keys. I’m planning to move up to a Scuba Instructor rating when the time is right.

Melissa, in your 2010 “Happy Birthday” post you said, “I would love to think that our little conversation played a role in his decision to quit (smoking)”.

It did!

It began a four year journey we took together. I saw you build the Whole9 and Whole30 programs and help countless people live better lives. I was one of those people. And you were there along the way helping me reshape a lifetime of habit. I am proud of the community you have created and the person you’ve become.


From your father, and one of your success stories, it’s my turn to say Happy Birthday Melissa. And don’t panic, birthdays ending in zero are not all that bad.

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