August 28, 2017

TWO New Whole30 Books, coming Dec 2017!

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from Whole30 Headmistress Melissa Urban, who JUST CAN’T STOP writing books for you If you follow my Instagram Stories, I’ve been hinting at some new book offerings for ages… and today, I finally get to spill the beans. Well, green beans. Because Whole30. I WROTE TWO NEW BOOKS AND THEY’RE COMING OUT IN DECEMBER AND THEY’RE GOING TO BE AWESOME FOR YOUR JANUARY WHOLE30. Whew. I’ve been holding that in for months. The books went to print while I was in Norway, but all of 2017 was writing-writing-writing, and let me tell you, two books at once two years in a row is no small task. Still, I’ve had the ideas for these particular two books for a long time now, and they were just dying to be born. So without further ado, here are the details. (And yes, a January book tour is coming; stay tuned for cities and dates.)

The Whole30 Day by Day (Dec 5, 2017)

Summary: Half field manual, half guided reflections, one hundred percent me showing up at your house every day to talk you through THAT SPECIFIC DAY of your Whole30 program.  The success of the Whole30 Daily (launched in 2010) showed us how much you loved daily support, motivation, inspiration, and tips throughout your Whole30 journey. We discovered that the closer you stayed connected to the process, your own experience, and our community, the more you succeeded in adopting a health-focused growth mindset, and the more you succeeded with your Whole30. But still… I wanted you to do even more to set yourselves up for success. All my habit research shows that journaling + built-in accountability was one of the most effective ways to reinforce a growth mindset and make a new habit “stick.” Two years ago, I had the idea to combine the two, and The Whole30 Day by Day was born. Half field manual for your Whole30, half guided reflection to hold you accountable, keep you motivated, and help you succeed; this book means you’ll have my best hacks, advice, and motivation in your back pocket for your entire Whole30, from prep to reintroduction. Each “day” of your Whole30 gives you six sections: a Timeline (what to expect on that day), Melissa’s Motivation (where I pep talk/tough love/encourage you directly), an FAQ (full of practical application), a daily Tip (one thing you can do to secure Whole30 success today), a Habit Hack (my favorite section; make your brain work for you!), and Extra Credit (a short assignment to help you solidify the lessons of the day and prepare for tomorrow). You’ll also get three more pages of guided reflection to help you stay connected to the process and highlight your progress. I spent two years researching and studying your Whole30 experiences, so I could take all of your collective knowledge and stick it in this handbook. You’ll want to carry it with you everywhere during your program, and will look back to it to compare experiences during future Whole30s, and see just how far you’ve come when you’re well into your food freedom. Also, this book is gorgeous, shout-out to Virginia deVries for her incredible design skills.

Now an Apple iBooks Most Anticipated Books pick! See more and pre-order now at The Whole30 Day by Day

The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook (Dec 5, 2017)

Summary: 150 simply delicious recipes perfect for weeknight cooking, lunches in a hurry, and hearty breakfasts that still get you out the door on time, for your Whole30 and beyond. I barely need to say anything about this cookbook because you already want it. Also, trust… once you see the recipes, you’re really going to freak out. The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook isn’t Whole30-broiled-chicken-and-steamed-broccoli. These are @Whole30Recipes-worthy-delicious-satisfying-get-that-in-my-mouth-NOW drool-inspiring meals that just so happen to take like 20 minutes to make, INSERT PRAISE HANDS EMOJI. Here what I was thinking with this one… The Whole30 book taught you cooking basics, like how to grill salmon, make the perfect burger, and put together delicious “ingredient meals.” And yes, we gave you recipes, but they were designed to teach you how to Whole30-cook. A year later, The Whole30 Cookbook brought you 150 creative, inspired dishes… specialty ingredients, fancier cooking methods, innovative spice combinations. Your kitchen confidence and taste-bud-satisfaction was at an all-time high with these meals! But we still needed something in-between. More than just the basics, but not demanding an hour in the kitchen. Still Whole30-level satisfying and crazy-delicious, but with a short start-to-finish process thanks to directed shortcuts, convenience ingredients, or kitchen hacks. A recipe book to help you feel like a kitchen rock star during your next Whole30 AND maintain your healthy habits in your Food Freedom. It’s a selection of 150 meals perfect for busy weekdays, helping you feed yourself well, look and feel your best, and still have enough time for family game night/Game of Thrones/that book you’ve been dying to finish. You CAN have it fast and easy and tasty. And thanks to my best kitchen tips, hacks, and time/money/flavor saving tips in the introduction, the only thing this cookbook is missing is a dishwasher. (Not included. But I’ve got tips for that, too!) See more and pre-order now at The Whole30 Fast and Easy Cookbook Save Save

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