Protein has outgrown the bodybuilding community and jumped into the broader wellness spotlight. It was only a matter of time before protein became the topic of mainstream discussion! This essential macronutrient does so much for the body.
We reached out to two Whole30 protein experts to answer all of your Whole30 protein questions. See what Registered Dietitian Rhyan Geiger and Mark Malinsky, the CEO and Founder of Sprout Living—makers of Whole30 Approved® protein powder—have to add to the discussion.
Whole30: Why is protein such a hot topic right now?
Rhyan Geiger (RG): Protein is one of the main macronutrients responsible for helping with muscle growth and promoting satiety (a sense of fullness). Many people want to enhance their satiety after meals and reduce unwanted snacking. Additionally, you may want to alter your body composition, or build more muscle. Protein has many other benefits, but these are the two main reasons it is so frequently discussed.
Mark Malinsky (MM): Another reason that protein remains so popular is because information about where to find it and how much you need is so readily accessible. Social media, podcasts, and even mainstream media have all put protein in the spotlight. And now that there are many forms and sources of protein, people can more easily take advantage of consuming something so critical to their well-being. The trend towards healthier and more active lifestyles is also on the rise, and protein plays a major part in that.
What makes protein such an important part of the diet?
RG: Protein is an essential macronutrient that serves many important functions in our bodies, at levels we can see (visible muscles) and areas we can’t see (at a cellular level). Protein plays a role in building and repairing cells, including muscle and skin. It helps maintain fluid balance, acts as a messenger for hormones, is involved in enzyme reactions, and provides energy for our bodies while promoting satiety.
What are the benefits of hitting your daily protein targets?
RG: Meeting your protein goal helps build and maintain muscle mass, while adequate protein also promotes feelings of satisfaction and fullness throughout the day due to its slower digestion.
MM: Protein also improves your athletic recovery, increases energy, and helps to blunt the insulin response from simple carbs.
How is protein tied to satiety?
RG: Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids that take more time to break down into a size your body can absorb. Since this process is slower, the protein-rich food stays in your stomach longer, slowing digestion and helping you feel full longer. Eating protein with carbohydrates also slows the entire digestion process, which can be helpful for planning filling meals and snacks.
How much protein do people need?
RG: Protein requirements vary between individuals and depend on factors like activity level, age, and protein sources. To determine your minimum protein needs, I advise my clients to take their weight in kilograms (kg) and multiply by 0.8, or by 0.9 if they don’t eat meat.
Example: A 200-pound person who eats animal protein:
- 200 lbs / 2.2 = 90.9 kg
- 90.9 kg * 0.8 = 73 grams protein
Example: A 180-pound person who eats plant-based:
- 180 lbs / 2.2 = 81.8 kg
- 81.8 kg * 0.9 = 73.6 grams protein
Editor’s Note: At Whole30, we generally encourage adults to consume a minimum of 70 grams of protein a day during the program. We believe many would benefit significantly from more. A consultation with a dietitian is the best strategy for determining your individual protein needs.
Can you eat too much protein? What happens then?
RG: You can consume too much protein. In rare cases, excessive protein intake can harm your kidneys. Certain medical conditions also restrict protein consumption. For generally healthy individuals, the main concern with consuming too much protein is similar to the issue of overeating in general. If you consistently exceed your daily calorie amount, excess protein can contribute to unwanted weight gain.
MM: That is true. In my experience, however, people are often not eating enough protein in their diets to really thrive.
Why is it hard for people to eat enough protein?
RG: Many foods, whether animal-based or plant-based, have protein. There is no shortage of protein in the available food options in stores. However, the challenge many of us face is meal planning and preparing in advance. Most proteins require cooking or preparation, which can be challenging if time is not set aside for it.
MM: People also often overestimate the protein content of foods. As an example, eating two eggs for breakfast, which is a typical serving for many, is only 12 grams of protein! Also, many convenience and ultra-processed foods are sugar, carb, and/or fat-dominant, and lower in protein. If you don’t plan and prepare, as Rhyan said, you can easily discover at the end of the day that you haven’t consumed a meaningful amount of protein.
Is protein consumption more important on a Whole30? If so, why?
RG: I wouldn’t say protein consumption is more important on a Whole30. Eating protein is important regardless of the eating pattern. One of the wonderful aspects of the Whole30 program is the emphasis on increasing whole food intake, which encompasses proteins as well as nutrient- and fiber-rich foods like fruits and vegetables.
MM: Protein is also an important part of the Whole30 because the program removes some of the comfort foods people typically gravitate towards. To curb those cravings and stay fuller longer, you’ll want to build your Whole30 meals around high-quality protein.
How can convenience products (like protein powder) help?
MM: Protein powders are so convenient! They can be mixed with water, added to a smoothie with fruits and vegetables, sprinkled over foods, or used in other recipes. If you find you’re consistently short on your protein goal, sneaking it in wherever you can is a good strategy.
RG: Convenient options like protein powders can be tremendously helpful for meeting protein goals, especially for those with time constraints or who are on the go. The main elements to consider when looking at convenient products are the nutrition facts, to confirm the product contains enough protein to help you meet your goal, and the ingredients list, to ensure it matches your dietary needs.
Is all protein—animal-sourced or from plants—the same? Is it better to eat one source of protein over another?
RG: At a scientific level, all proteins are broken down into amino acids. As long as all nine essential amino acids are consumed within a day, where they come from doesn’t much matter . In fact, including some plant-based proteins in an omnivorous diet can help you meet your protein goal and increase your intake of dietary fiber.
MM: You may have to eat more plants to get the same amount of protein that you would from an animal source. However, there are many advantages to plant-based protein, including vitamins and minerals not found in animal-based proteins. Plant-based sources of protein can also be more sustainable. Finally, some plant-based protein powders can be used on both the Original and Plant-Based Whole30, making them a versatile source.
For those who are new, what makes a protein powder Whole30 Approved?
MM: On the Whole30, there are strict guidelines on the ingredients you eliminate during the first 30 days. Unfortunately, most protein powders contain sweeteners, soy, dairy, or other ingredients that aren’t compatible with the program. It’s hard to find unsweetened protein powder in general! Sprout Living has a line of Whole30 Approved protein powders that meet the program guidelines, and can easily support your protein goals.
What’s one thing people get wrong about protein?
RG: One common misconception about protein is that you can or should only eat protein. Leaving out other food groups can lead to potential nutrient gaps.
MM: Also, hitting your protein target isn’t everything. Ideally, you’d want most of your protein to come from whole food-based sources. If you’re using protein powder, look for single-source protein, or a protein blend made from whole foods with no added sugar or additives. Looking for a Whole30 Approved partner is the quickest and easiest way to source protein powder.
What are your top three tips for people concerned about eating enough protein?
RG: First, assess how much you’re getting each day. Track your meals for a few days, and do the math! Then compare it to the recommended dietary allowance or your healthcare provider’s recommendations to see how you stack up. Second, get creative with ways to incorporate protein, and try new protein-rich recipes to help you reach your goals. Finally, working with a registered dietitian can be the perfect next step if you’re unsure about your protein target, have trouble meeting it, or feel you need additional support.
MM: Start your day with protein to promote satiety throughout the morning and into afternoon. Add protein to as many meals as possible throughout the day—small additions like nuts and seeds do add up! Finally, round out your needs with a high-quality protein powder, added to a meal or blended up in a smoothie.
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