Are you the only one in your house doing the Whole30? We know how hard it can be to stay on track when you’re doing the Whole30 alone … tempted by the pizza your partner is eating or your kid’s leftover mac and cheese. We know how much work it can be to cook separate food from your loved ones and still feel connected and supported at home.
We know it’s not easy and we also know you can do it! In order to help you finish your Whole30 strong and enjoy all the NSVs headed your way, we polled our Instagram community on their best tips for doing the Whole30 alone. We’re sharing them today along with some stories from Whole30’ers that will help you feel seen and inspired.
Doing the Whole30 Alone: The Community Speaks
Navigating Temptations
- “I reorganized the pantry and fridge so Whole30 items get the spotlight and are at eye level.”
- “Having separate shelves in the pantry for non-Whole30 foods works so well!”
- “Have clear boundaries with your family members or roommates before you start.”
- “Prep your partner by discussing how your joint routine might shift for a while.”
- “Melissa’s daily check-in text messages help me stay accountable since I’m doing the Whole30 alone.”
- “I tell myself ‘I keep promises I make to myself’ on repeat.”
- “I never let myself get too hungry because there’s temptation everywhere. I also remember that I’m doing this for me! I don’t have to feel guilty or strange for doing my own thing.”
- “I made my own section of the pantry so that’s all I have to focus on when I’m in there.”
Navigating Mealtimes
- “My partner eats Whole30 compatible meals for dinner because I won’t make two separate meals. The rest of the day she eats her normal meals. If she wants grains or beans with her meal, she makes an extra side for herself. Works well for us!”
- “My advice is to not make a big deal about Whole30 solo meals. Make them feel like the norm.”
- “My first time around I tried so hard to get my partner on board to no avail. I felt so frustrated, but this time I just said, ‘This is what I’m doing. Please support me.’ And that’s that. My kids eat the same Whole30 dinner, but I prep their own breakfast and lunch (which is not Whole30).”
- “I make a meal that my family likes that I can modify to be Whole30 compatible.”
- “Friday night = family Chipotle night.”
- “I cook enough Whole30 compatible food for everyone. If they don’t partake, I have leftovers!”
On a Lighter Note …
- “My 7 year old asked the other night if we could ‘please eat something unhealthy.’”
- “My husband asks me every two seconds, ‘Can you have____?”
- “I’m a mom of three teens, and two-thirds of them eat Whole30 no problem! Other kid? Ramen.”
- “I grated cheese onto my husband’s meal and told him, ‘That’s love baby!’ #struggles”
- “On Day 3 … my partner crunching potato chips loudly almost made me (explode head emoji).”
- “My partner gave up on day one when he couldn’t have croutons on his salad.”
- “I just started, and my husband said he will do half a Whole30.”
- “My fiance used my nut butter to make a nut butter and jelly sandwich and left jelly in my compatible nut butter.”
- “I almost set the kitchen on fire by trying to cook pork fried rice two different ways.”
- “Cooking is 85% my responsibility in our home, so my partner is doing a Whole30 whether they know it or not.”
- “A solo Whole30 means shouting ‘NO, NO black beans in my Chipotle this month!’ to my boyfriend as he orders dinner.”
- “As I’m making my Whole30 dinner, my partner walks in the house with two loaves of french bread.”
- “My husband says ‘I’m just happy steak and potatoes are compatible!’’