November 22, 2019

5 Ingredient Hot Dog + Sweet Potato "Bun"

Our 5 Ingredient Hot Dog + Sweet Potato “Bun” barely counts as a recipe, but sometimes you need to let good enough be good enough. We’ve suggested some toppings we love, but feel free to top with whatever you fancy; just make sure you have a form of healthy fat to keep you feeling satisfied and full.

Made By Whole30Made By Whole30

5 Ingredient Hot Dog + Sweet Potato “Bun”

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes


  • 1 Applegate organic hot dog
  • 1 small sweet potato
  • 2 tbsp mayo can sub guac or dressing of choice


  • MICROWAVE hot dog for 1 minute and sweet potato for 3 minutes
  • SLICE sweet potato down the middle, stuff the hot dog inside, and top with whatever you fancy! We love mayo from our partners at Primal Kitchen and mustard from our partners at Organicville. If you want to add a fermented flavor, try Wildbrine sauerkraut! Other topping options are different dipping sauces, avocado, sauteed veggies…the sky's the limit!


Photo by Sarah Steffens

Chelsea Long

Chelsea Long lives in San Diego with her husband and three kids. Formerly an English as a Second Language instructor at the University level, Chelsea shifted her interest to holistic health after giving birth to her son. Her degrees in Communications and Education serve her well as she works with the Whole30 team to support content and branded content projects. Chelsea is a registered yoga teacher (RYT 200) and is passionate about helping others find healing through yoga, meditation, and nutrition.