Shanna Keller
Shanna Keller, hails from Boise, Idaho, where she lives with her husband Alan and a poorly-behaved terrier named Olly. She has spent her career telling stories of life transformation on social, web, e-mail and print media platforms. In addition to celebrating Whole30 successes and stories online, Shanna loves to cook, read, and climb.
By Author

October 22, 2015, 10:00 am
- Testimonials
Ending Emotional Eating and Recovering from Surgery with The
Whole30: Andrea’s Story
“I was heavy for most of my life. When I was in high school my parents separated and everything I knew was thrown upside...

- Soups, Stews and Chilis
Soup Sundays, Part One
This 4-part Soup Sunday cooking series comes from Ali Rakowski of intersectioncoaching.com, and the author of Bowls of Love. If you’d like to submit...

- Entrée
Whole30 Freezer Cooking, Part 2 (With Maria Barton)
This 5-part freezer cooking series comes from Maria Barton of MariaMakes.com. If you’d like to submit a recipe, helpful tip, testimonial, or Whole30 article...

- Salads
#JulyWhole30 Recipes: Brussels Sprout and Spaghetti Squash Salad
This article was contributed by Whole30 alumni Anne-Marie of SoapQueen.com Fresh and full of crunch, this salad made of Brussels sprouts and spaghetti squash is...