Melissa Urban

Melissa Urban

Melissa Urban is an 8x New York Times bestselling author (including the instant bestseller, The New Whole30) who specializes in helping people establish healthy boundaries and successfully navigate habit change. She has been featured by the New York Times, People, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Today Show, and Good Morning America, and is a prominent keynote speaker on boundaries, building community, health trends, and entrepreneurship. She lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband, son, and two rescue doodles.
By Author


dear melissa
November 17, 2014, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Kids and Family
  • Socializing and Traveling

Dear Melissa: Talking Whole30 with Friends and Family

Dear Melissa, Since completing a Whole30 in January 2013, I have been eating a (mostly) Whole30-inspired diet and have never felt better. My family...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Baby It’s Cold Outside

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
November 10, 2014, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa

Dear Melissa: Your Whole30 Holiday Strategy

I am on Day 3 of my second (attempt) at the Whole30.  I feel more prepared and educated this time around, and I am...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Sides

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: On The Side

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
dear melissa
November 3, 2014, 11:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Kids and Family
  • Whole30 Inspired Eating for the Whole Family

Dear Melissa: Grammy’s Feelings vs. the Whole30

Dear Melissa, I just completed my Whole30, and what a difference! I never thought I would find something that would have such an effect...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Spectacular Seafood

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Dips, Sauces and Dressings

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Sauces, dressings and dips, oh my!

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: One Dish Wonders.

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: No forks required.

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Salads

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Steal This Salad

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
September 29, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Tracking Success

Five Things Melissa Hartwig Learned from the Whole30

Written by the co-creator of the Whole30, who still does her own program about once a year  Mid-August, I decided it was time for me to do another...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Breakfast

The Best of @whole30recipes: The Incredible, Edible Egg

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of @whole30recipes: Buns Not Included

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our new series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing...
September 2, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Reintroduction

Dear Melissa: Slow My (Reintroduction) Roll

Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new Food Freedom habits, and figuring out...
August 11, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Mindset
  • Troubleshooting

The Whole30-Plus: Extending Your Program for 45, 60, or 90 days

Whole30 participant Tabitha contacted us recently with a question about extending her Whole30. She asked:   “I have some long-standing issues that I have...
Whole30 Recipes on
  • w30
  • Entrée

Even More Whole30-Friendly Recipes

One of the most important steps in ensuring Whole30 success is planning your meals—so you’re not tempted to call the pizza delivery guy after...
July 17, 2014, 3:39 pm
  • Diet and Nutrition

New Whole30® Program Rules

We have one big announcement today. We could give you the whole backstory, or we could just cut to the chase and tell you...
Whole30 Success Story: Jenna and von Willebrand Disease
July 7, 2014, 10:00 am
  • Testimonials

Whole30 Success Story: Jenna and von Willebrand’s Disease

While so much of the mainstream media coverage of the Whole30 is focused on the weight loss benefits of the program, stories like this are...