Melissa Urban

Melissa Urban

Melissa Urban is an 8x New York Times bestselling author (including the instant bestseller, The New Whole30) who specializes in helping people establish healthy boundaries and successfully navigate habit change. She has been featured by the New York Times, People, the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, The Today Show, and Good Morning America, and is a prominent keynote speaker on boundaries, building community, health trends, and entrepreneurship. She lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband, son, and two rescue doodles.
By Author


Against all Grain breakfast bowl
  • w30
  • Breakfast

Mexican Benedict, From Against All Grain

Today’s special #JulyWhole30 recipe comes from our friend Danielle Walker of Against All Grain. Mexican Benedict Serves 4 Chipotle Hollandaise Sauce 1 to 2...
July 13, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Reintroduction
  • Troubleshooting Your Food Freedom

Dear Melissa: Why Can’t I Eat What My Friends Eat?

Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new healthy habits, and figuring out...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Ingredient Meals

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing them...
Whole30 burger Melissa Joulwan
  • w30
  • Entrée

Whole30 Ingredient Meals, from Melissa Joulwan

Today’s special #JulyWhole30 guest post is from Melissa Joulwan, author of Well Fed cookbook series and bloggess at The Clothes Make the Girl Great Ingredients:...
A Guide to Whole30 Facebook Support Groups
July 6, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Socializing and Traveling

A Guide to Whole30 Facebook Support Groups

Last Monday’s Dear Melissa responded to a woman who was feeling less than supported by her Facebook Whole30 support group. If you haven’t caught...
  • w30
  • Salads

Kick Off the #JulyWhole30 with a Watermelon Salad

Welcome to the July Whole30! Today, we’re sharing a special bonus recipe from our #1 New York Times bestseller, The Whole30… but first, a...
June 29, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Socializing and Traveling

Dear Melissa: Where’s the Support in my Whole30 Support Group?

Welcome to Dear Melissa, where I answer your questions about transitioning into or completing a Whole30, successfully sticking to your new healthy habits, and figuring out...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Summer Celebrations

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing them...
June 22, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Dear Melissa
  • Troubleshooting

Dear Melissa: Should I Break Up With Fruit?

In this Dear Melissa, we're talking to a woman who is concerned that she's too dependent on fruit during her Whole30. While there is...
Whole30 recipes on instagram
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Best of Whole30 Recipes: Grilled Goodness

Our @whole30recipes Instagram feed brings you delicious, Whole30 Approved recipes all day, every day. And, in our series,  The Best of @Whole30Recipes, we’ll be bringing them...
Kyle resize header
June 11, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Testimonials

45 Days of Awesome: Kyle’s Success Story

There are many, many stories of Whole success on our site, but the majority come from women. We know plenty of men have amazing Whole30...
dear melissa
June 8, 2015, 2:26 pm
  • Dear Melissa
  • Kids and Family
  • Whole30 Inspired Eating for the Whole Family

Dear Melissa: I’m Worried About My Grandkids on the Whole30

We're seeing so many families taking on a Whole30 together, kids and all, and we think that's wonderful! However, If you've experienced some less-than-enthusiastic...
June 4, 2015, 10:00 am

The Future of Whole30 Approved

From Melissa Urban, Whole30 co-creator We’ve worked hard over the last six years to make the Whole30 logical in its framework, as effective as possible across...
May 26, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Food Freedom

Life After Your Whole30: What If Every Bite is Worth It?

From Melissa Hartwig, who (thanks to the Whole30) is one of those annoying people who really can eat just one square of dark chocolate...
The Whole30 and Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Sandena’s Story
May 14, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Testimonials

The Whole30 and Hidradenitis Suppurativa: Sandena’s Story

Meet Sandena Neely: founder of Watch Your Mouth Bahamas, dynamic personality, and incredible Whole30 success story turned Whole30 ambassador in her local community. Through...
Sizzle Fish
May 4, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Whole30 101

Whole30 101: Your guide to Navigating the Whole30 Website

Since we created the Whole30 program in 2009, we’ve made it a priority to keep the program accessible to anyone, anywhere, through our website....
The Whole30 Book Preview
  • w30
  • Entrée

The Whole30 Book Recipe Preview: Romesco Garlic Shrimp

It’s here, it’s here! Our new book, The Whole30: The 30-Day Guide to Total Health and Food Freedom, has hit the shelves of every bookstore...
Label Reading
April 27, 2015, 10:00 am
  • Whole30 101

Whole30 101: Label-Reading

You’ve committed to the Whole30. You’re ready to change your life. You’re following all the steps in our getting started guide, and you’re ready...