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In a 2016 survey of 7,700 Whole30 alumni, 88% reported the Whole30 really did change their life.
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I decided to do Whole30 to see if food was causing my knee pain. It was not, but that is okay. I found out so much more about me and my relationship with food and alcohol. This was my first Whole30, and it was pretty painless. I did the reintroduction as prescribed, except for added […]
I first learned about Whole30 after discovering Topical Steroid Withdrawal after using prescription and over-the-counter steroid creams on my eczema for almost two decades.
The Whole30 program has been life-altering for me. It’s allowed me to regain a health-and-fitness level that I mistakenly assumed, as I aged, was long gone.
Through reintroduction, I learned how certain foods affect me, and how to make informed decisions about what I eat: Don’s Story
Three weeks into Whole30, I was a new person. By the last day I knew that my life was forever changed. I felt AMAZING: Sabrina’s Story
The day I started Whole30 was the first day in weeks I didn’t experience abdominal pain: Jennifer’s Story
There is no doubt that the Whole30 program had a huge hand in my preconception health and body’s preparedness to conceive: Kristyn’s Story
My PCOS symptoms completely vanished, and my diagnosis was removed entirely just one year later: Jennifer’s Story
My Whole30 program was invaluable in helping me pinpoint idiosyncrasies in my control of type 1 diabetes: Meggie’s Story
Since the Whole30, I am completely off of my diabetes medication and my doctor cut my blood pressure medication in half: Beth’s Story
Both my husband and I experienced healthy readings in cholesterol and A1C. I have had increases in bone mass and, as I have osteoporosis, both I and my rheumatologist are very happy: Cheryl and David’s Story
The freedom that the Whole30 gives a person access to is so transformational: Susie’s Story